Health| I Make Humans Project


According to the CDC, High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are two of the leading causes of maternal death among women of color.  Pre-eclampsia and other disorders in pregnancy have also contributed to the rise increasing to 72 percent from 1993 to 2014.  These issues are 60 percent more common in women of color.


The “I Make Humans” project works to advocate and is dedicated to advancing research and combating societal and systemic racism that contributes to the kind of physiological stress that impacts women every day.  Longstanding racial bias, lack of health care, poor living conditions and a toxic atmosphere  add to the everyday divide that has caused a maternal crisis among women of color.

We work with mothers, health care professionals, local and national legislators creating  platforms that will bring about substantial change and awareness to this health care crisis.


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Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2020

We are proud and excited to be one the 127 organizations that has endorsed the Historic Momnibus Act for 2020 and 2021. The Black Maternal Health Momnibus is a historic step to address our nation’s Black maternal health crisis. We had two legislative wins in 2020 and looking forward to the 117th congress to push the agenda to save women’s lives. As an Arizona nonprofit We encourage Congressional and senate leaders in our state to join the @BMHCaucus and #Urbanmommyinc in the fight to #SaveMoms.

Bill Summary

The Black Maternal Health Momnibus is composed of nine individual bills sponsored by Black Maternal Health Caucus Members. The legislation will:

  1. Make critical investments in social determinants of health that influence maternal health outcomes, like housing, transportation, and nutrition.
  2. Provide funding to community-based organizations that are working to improve maternal health outcomes for Black women.
  3. Comprehensively study the unique maternal health risks facing women veterans and invest in VA maternity care coordination.
  4. Grow and diversify the perinatal workforce to ensure that every mom in America receives maternity care and support from people she can trust.
  5. Improve data collection processes and quality measures to better understand the causes of the maternal health crisis in the United States and inform solutions to address it.
  6. Invest in maternal mental health care and substance use disorder treatments.
  7. Improve maternal health care and support for incarcerated women.
  8. Invest in digital tools like telehealth to improve maternal health outcomes in underserved areas.
  9. Promote innovative payment models to incentivize high-quality maternity care and continuity of health insurance coverage from pregnancy through labor and delivery and up to 1 year postpartum.

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